Guidelines for the RDF encoding of spatial data
Title |
Guidelines for the RDF encoding of spatial data |
Status |
Draft |
Creator |
ARE3NA project "INSPIRE Re3ference Platform Phase 2" |
Date |
2017-07-17 |
Subject |
INSPIRE encoding rules for representing spatial data as RDF |
Publisher |
ARE3NA project "INSPIRE Re3ference Platform Phase 2" |
Type |
Text |
Description |
This document specifies an experimental encoding rule for representing spatial data sets in INSPIRE as RDF. The use of RDF is optional and does not supersede or replace the requirements regarding encoding specified in Clause 9 of the Data Specifications. This optional encoding is intended to support the e-government and open data community in Europe, which is increasingly looking at RDF to represent data. |
Format |
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) |
Licence |
Identifier |
Language |
EN |
The challenges regarding the lack of availability, quality, organisation, accessibility, and sharing of spatial information are common to a large number of policies and activities and are experienced across the various levels of public authority in Europe. In order to solve these problems it is necessary to take measures of coordination between the users and providers of spatial information. The Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council adopted on 14 March 2007 aims at establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) for environmental policies, or policies and activities that have an impact on the environment.
INSPIRE is based on the infrastructures for spatial information that are created and maintained by the Member States. To support the establishment of a European infrastructure, Implementing Rules addressing the following components of the infrastructure have been specified: metadata, interoperability of spatial data sets (as described in Annexes I, II, III of the Directive) and spatial data services, network services, data and service sharing, and monitoring and reporting procedures.
INSPIRE does not require collection of new data. However, Member States have to make their data available according to the Implementing Rules within two years of the adoption of the corresponding Implementing Rules for newly collected and extensively restructured data and within 5 years for other data in electronic format still in use.
Interoperability in INSPIRE means the possibility to combine spatial data and services from different sources across the European Community in a consistent way without involving specific efforts of humans or machines. 'Interoperability' is understood as providing access to spatial data sets through network services, typically via the Internet. Interoperability may be achieved by either changing (harmonising) and storing existing data sets or transforming them via services for publication in the INSPIRE infrastructure. It is expected that users will spend less time and efforts on understanding and integrating data when they build their applications based on data delivered in accordance with INSPIRE.
In order to benefit from the endeavours of international standardisation bodies and organisations established under international law their standards and technical means have been utilised and referenced, whenever possible.
An open and participatory approach was used during the development of the data specifications on Annex I, II and III data themes and the preparation of the Implementing Rule on Interoperability of Spatial Data Sets and Services.
The INSPIRE data specifications are built on a development framework. The following two documents from the framework are particularly important for this document:
The Generic Conceptual Model defines the elements necessary for interoperability and data harmonisation including cross-theme issues. Among other aspects it specifies the UML profile used to specify the INSPIRE application schemas.
The Guidelines for the Encoding of Spatial Data defines how geographic information can be encoded to enable transfer processes between the systems of the data providers in the Member States. Even though it does not specify a mandatory encoding rule it sets GML (ISO 19136) as the default encoding for INSPIRE, which has been used by most of the data specifications.
This document specifies an additional encoding rule supporting the consistent representation of spatial data sets that meet the interoperability requirements using RDF. It builds on previous work on this subject. All issues are raised and discussed in an open forum.
The document has been prepared for the ISA Programme by PwC EU Services and interactive instruments GmbH as part of ISA Action 1.17, A Reusable INSPIRE Reference Platform (ARE3NA).
The views expressed in this report are purely those of the authors and may not, in any circumstances, be interpreted as stating an official position of the European Commission.
The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the information included in this study, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use thereof.
Reference herein to any specific products, specifications, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by the European Commission.
All care has been taken by the author to ensure that s/he has obtained, where necessary, permission to use any parts of manuscripts including illustrations, maps, and graphs, on which intellectual property rights already exist from the titular holder(s) of such rights or from her/his or their legal representative.
1. Scope
This document specifies an encoding rule for representing spatial data sets in INSPIRE in RDF. It may be applied to spatial data sets meeting the requirements for the interoperability of spatial data sets and services specified in regulation 1089/2010 and the associated Data Specification documents for each spatial data theme.
This encoding rule is an optional encoding rule and does not supersede or replace the requirements regarding encoding specified in Clause 9 of the Data Specifications. |
Supporting an RDF encoding for spatial data sets in INSPIRE is intended to support the e-government and open data community in Europe, which is increasingly looking at RDF to represent data.
In accordance with Article 7 of regulation 1089/2010, the encoding rule specified in this document conforms to ISO EN 19118:2011. In particular, it specifies
schema conversion rules for all spatial object types, attributes and association roles and
the output data structure.
The encoding rule does not provide a bijective mapping between the information items defined by the conceptual INSPIRE application schemas and their RDF encoding. For example, a transformation of a spatial object from an INSPIRE GML representation to INSPIRE RDF and back may thus result in some information loss. This is acceptable, as long as the encoding rule leads to an RDF representation that is appropriate for typical uses of INSPIRE data in an RDF context. |
2. Conformance
If these technical guidelines are adopted in the future, then conformance classes for INSPIRE RDF vocabularies and instance documents will be added.
3. Normative references
GeoDCAT-AP: A geospatial extension for the DCAT application profile for data portals in Europe v1.0.1, https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/node/154143/
ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary, https://www.w3.org/ns/locn
OGC Geography Markup Language (GML) - Extended schemas and encoding rules, OGC document number 10-129r1
OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, Structural Specification and Functional-Style Syntax (Second Edition), W3C Recommendation 11 December 2012, http://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-syntax/
OpenGIS Implementation Standard for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture, OGC document number 06-103r4, http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=25355
RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax, http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/
W3C RDF Schema 1.1, https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/
4. Terms and abbreviations
4.1. Terms
- application schema
conceptual schema for data required by one or more applications [iso_19101]
- conversion rule
rule for converting instances in the input data structure to instances in the output data structure [iso_19118]
- data interchange
delivery, receipt and interpretation of data [iso_19118]
- data transfer
movement of data from one point to another over a medium [iso_19118]
NOTE Transfer of information implies transfer of data. - encoding
conversion of data into a series of codes [iso_19118]
- encoding rule
identifiable collection of conversion rules that define the encoding for a particular data structure [iso_19118]
NOTE An encoding rule specifies the types of data to be converted as well as the syntax, structure and codes used in the resulting data structure. - transfer format
structured representation of data in a file for transfer between systems
NOTE Typically, a machine readable schema will document the structure of the data in the transfer file.
EXAMPLE GML [iso_19136] encodes the application schema in XML Schema. - simple feature
feature with all geometric attributes described piecewise by straight line or planar interpolation between sets of points [ogc_sf]
- spatial data
data with a direct or indirect reference to a specific location or geographic area [inspire_directive]
- spatial data set
identifiable collection of spatial data [inspire_directive]
- spatial object
abstract representation of a real-world phenomenon related to a specific location or geographical area [inspire_directive]
It should be noted that the term has a different meaning in the ISO 19100 series. It is also synonymous with "(geographic) feature" as used in the ISO 19100 series. |
- spatial object type
classification of spatial objects [inspire_d25]
In the conceptual schema language UML a spatial object type will be described by a class with stereotype <<featureType>>. |
- transfer protocol
common set of rules for defining interactions between distributed systems [iso_19118]
4.2. Abbreviations
European Committee for Standardization |
INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model |
Internet Engineering Task Force |
INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe |
IR |
Implementing Rule |
International Organisation for Standardisation |
ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary |
Open Geospatial Consortium |
Spatial Data Infrastructure |
Spatial Data Interest Community |
TR |
Technical Report |
TS |
Technical Specification |
Unified Modelling Language |
Uniform Resource Identifier |
Uniform Resource Name |
Unicode Transformation Format |
eXtensible Markup Language |
4.3. Verbal forms for the expression of provisions
In accordance with the ISO rules for drafting, the following verbal forms shall be interpreted in the given way:
"shall" / "shall not": a requirement, mandatory for every data specification
"should" / "should not": a recommendation, but an alternative approach may be chosen for a specific case if there are reasons to do so
"may" / "need not": a permission
To make it easier to identify the mandatory requirements, the recommendations, and the permissions for INSPIRE data specifications in the text, they are highlighted and have an identifier.
Requirement REQ/OWL/A/B/C
Requirements are shown using this style. |
Recommendation REC/OWL/X/Y/Z
Recommendations are shown using this style. |
Specific notes are also highlighted. They do not have normative character.
This is a note. |
4.4. Namespace conventions
This standard uses a number of namespace prefixes throughout; they are listed in the following table.
Prefix | Namespace |
base |
dcat |
dct |
gsp |
gmlowl |
iso19150-2 |
locn |
owl |
rdf |
rdfs |
sfowl |
skos |
time |
xsd |
5. Overview
The INSPIRE initiative aims at improving the sharing of spatial data and services between public authorities in Europe and in particular between the Member States and the European Institutions. INSPIRE addresses the interoperability of spatial data sets and services for the exchange of data related to one of the 34 spatial data themes defined in the INSPIRE Directive. It does so through the creation of application schemas (using UML) and geospatial encodings mechanisms (using GML, plus GeoTIFF and other formats for selected data themes). Through its data specifications, INSPIRE provides a common means to describe the spatial data within the scope of all the data themes outlined in the annexes of the Directive. The GML encoding that INSPIRE uses is an open standard intended for data exchange of spatial data on the Web. It is mainly supported by geospatial technologies.
At the same time, e-government applications and tools start to use the Linked Data paradigm, based on Semantic Web languages and technologies, such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF). If INSPIRE data was available as Linked Data, these e-government applications and tools could easily link to it. INSPIRE Linked Data has potential to unlock new applications and services, not only for e-government, but also other communities following the linked data paradigm.
Moreover, the Core Location Vocabulary specified by ISA as part of the e-Government Core Vocabularies is an example of where INSPIRE data (and models) can be reused in e-government in RDF, meaning that investments made in sharing data for INSPIRE can become part of key processes in online government services. This concept can in principle be extended to offer all such INSPIRE spatial data objects as RDF, thus creating a ‘base geography’ of INSPIRE data that other data (from any sector) can be linked to.
Previous work has brought together expertise in different countries to create a draft methodology for creating the INSPIRE RDF vocabularies, explored governance issues of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) such as URIs and has explored some of the tools that can be used to create such data.
The guidelines described in this document build on this work and include input from pilots to test draft INSPIRE RDF vocabularies and PID concepts as well as input from the community on open issues through an open forum.
While the methodology to publish INSPIRE data as GML together with the corresponding XML schemas is well-defined, a methodology for the publication of INSPIRE data as linked data so far does not exist. This document aims at filling this gap. Consistent with the requirements for spatial data sets in INSPIRE, this document covers both
the creation of RDF vocabularies representing the INSPIRE application schemas and
the transformation of INSPIRE data into RDF.
To conform to Article 7 of the INSPIRE implementing rule (regulation 1089/2010), this document specifies an encoding rule conforming to ISO EN 19118:2011. An encoding rule describes conversion rules for transforming data from an input data structure to an output data structure. Schemas have to be described for both the input and output data structure. In this case the input schemas, the INSPIRE application schemas, use the UML profile of the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model, the output schemas use RDFS/OWL/SKOS. The schema for the input data structure is called an application schema.
An encoding rule specifies the following aspects:
General encoding requirements (clause 6)
the input data structure (clause 7)
the output data structure (the "exchange format", clause 8)
the conversion rules, called the mapping, for converting data in the instance model to the exchange format
the schema conversion rules for mapping between the INSPIRE application schemas in UML to RDFS (clause 9)
the instance conversion rules for representing INSPIRE data in RDF as far as this is not described by the schema conversion rules (clause 10)
Sufficient examples to illustrate the rules and the encoded data are provided.
As mentioned before, the guidelines include input from pilots to test draft INSPIRE RDF vocabularies and PID concepts as well as input from the community on open issues. The input can lead to addition and revision of examples. |
6. General encoding requirements
6.1. Application schema and schema language
As specified by the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model (GCM) [inspire_d25], the schema language for modelling INSPIRE conceptual schemas is UML.
The UML Profile of INSPIRE application schemas is defined in clause 9.6.3 of the GCM. The RDF encoding rule does not require any specific extension of this UML Profile.
6.2. Character encoding
The format used to serialize INSPIRE RDF data sets the requirements for the character encoding. The output data structure section provides further details about format requirements.
6.3. Exchange metadata
Exchange metadata is metadata about the encoded data structure. It can describe the originator of the dataset, refer to metadata information about the dataset, refer to the application schema and provide information about the encoding rule applied.
No specific metadata is defined to describe the exchange of INSPIRE RDF data. The data itself can contain metadata. In that case, the application schema defines the types and properties that contain metadata.
Consider the publication of metadata in one or more formats like schema.org, microdata, DCAT, and (Geo)DCAT-AP. Choose the metadata format based upon the formats that are supported by the search engines with which you intend to make your data searchable. Annotations in HTML pages using the schema.org vocabulary is metadata that web crawlers are using. DCAT (and extensions like GeoDCAT-AP) are currently mostly used by e-government data portals. For further information, see Best Practice 2: Make your spatial data indexable by search engines in the Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices. |
6.4. Transfer unit
6.4.1. Granularity and structure
A transfer unit is a set of objects (a dataset or a subset of a dataset), each of which contains a set of properties.
6.4.2. Object identification
Requirement "REQ/OWL/ObjectIdentification
Each object contained in the transfer unit shall have a unique identifier. |
Data types are not categorised as objects in the input data structure. |
7. Input data structure
As the input data structure, this encoding rule uses an instance model which is based on the generic instance model defined in ISO 19118 clause 8. The instance model is capable of representing data described by INSPIRE application schemas expressed in UML.
8. Output data structure
This encoding rule is based on RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax.
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a framework for expressing information about resources. Resources can be anything, including documents, people, physical objects, and abstract concepts.
RDF is intended for situations in which information on the Web needs to be processed by applications, rather than being only displayed to people. RDF provides a common framework for expressing this information so it can be exchanged between applications without loss of meaning. Since it is a common framework, application designers can leverage the availability of common RDF parsers and processing tools. The ability to exchange information between different applications means that the information may be made available to applications other than those for which it was originally created.
In particular RDF can be used to publish and interlink data on the Web. For example, retrieving http://www.example.org/bob#me could provide data about Bob, including the fact that he knows Alice, as identified by her IRI (an IRI is an "International Resource Identifier" […]). Retrieving Alice’s IRI could then provide more data about her, including links to other datasets for her friends, interests, etc. A person or an automated process can then follow such links and aggregate data about these various things. Such uses of RDF are often qualified as Linked Data.
RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax defines a data model. It does not define a specific format to encode RDF data. A number of RDF formats exist, serving different purposes.
Recommendation REC/OWL/encoding/turtle
INSPIRE RDF data should be encoded in Turtle. |
The schema for the output data structure that governs the structure of the exchange format is a combination of RDF Schema and OWL.
9. Schema conversion rules
This chapter documents the rules for converting an INSPIRE application schema to an OWL ontology
9.1. General
Rules for the conversion of an application schema package, the UML types it contains, and the properties of these types, are documented in this chapter.
9.1.1. Documentation
The documentation of UML elements (types, attributes and association roles) in INSPIRE application schemas includes:
A natural / human readable name
A definition
A description (optional)
Requirement REQ/OWL/documentation
The natural / human readable name, definition, and description (if available) of a UML element shall be documented using properties as shown in the following table. The values of these properties shall be provided at least in English. |
Documentation item | Encoding with RDF/OWL property |
natural / human readable name |
rdfs:label |
definition |
skos:definition |
description |
rdfs:comment |
RDF/Turtle serialization
1 cp:CadastralParcel a owl:Class ;
2 rdfs:comment "SOURCE [INSPIRE Directive:2007].\r\n\r\nNOTE As much as possible, in the INSPIRE context, cadastral parcels should be forming a partition of national territory. Cadastral parcel should be considered as a single area of Earth surface (land and/or water), under homogeneous real property rights and unique ownership, real property rights and ownership being defined by national law (adapted from UN ECE 2004 and WG-CPI, 2006). By unique ownership is meant that the ownership is held by one or several joint owners for the whole parcel."@en ;
3 skos:definition "Areas defined by cadastral registers or equivalent."@en .
RDF/XML serialization
1 <owl:Class rdf:about="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp#CadastralParcel">
2 <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">SOURCE [INSPIRE Directive:2007].
4 NOTE As much as possible, in the INSPIRE context, cadastral parcels should be forming a partition of national territory. Cadastral parcel should be considered as a single area of Earth surface (land and/or water), under homogeneous real property rights and unique ownership, real property rights and ownership being defined by national law (adapted from UN ECE 2004 and WG-CPI, 2006). By unique ownership is meant that the ownership is held by one or several joint owners for the whole parcel.</rdfs:comment>
5 <skos:definition xml:lang="en">Areas defined by cadastral registers or equivalent.</skos:definition>
6 </owl:Class>
9.2. Application schema package
Requirement REQ/OWL/ontology
An application schema shall be converted into a single OWL ontology. The UML types belonging to the namespace of the schema shall be converted as defined in this document. |
No specific conversion rules are defined for the packages that belong to an application schema. These packages usually have the stereotype <<leaf>> or no stereotype. They are primarily used for structuring the conceptual schema.
RDF/Turtle serialization
1 <http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp>
2 a owl:Ontology ;
3 owl:imports <http://def.isotc211.org/iso19150/-2/2012/base> , <https://github.com/inspire-eu-rdf/inspire-rdf-vocabularies/blob/master/ad/ad.ttl> , <https://www.w3.org/ns/locn.ttl> , <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core> , <http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql> , <https://github.com/inspire-eu-rdf/inspire-rdf-vocabularies/blob/master/base/base.ttl> , <https://github.com/inspire-eu-rdf/inspire-rdf-vocabularies/blob/master/au/au.ttl> ;
4 owl:versionIRI "http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp/4.0" ;
5 owl:versionInfo "4.0" ;
6 skos:definition "The application schema CadastralParcels contains the feature types CadastralParcel, CadastralBoundary and CadastralIndexSet."@en .
RDF/XML serialization
1 <owl:Ontology rdf:about="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp">
2 <owl:imports rdf:resource="http://def.isotc211.org/iso19150/-2/2012/base"/>
3 <owl:imports rdf:resource="https://github.com/inspire-eu-rdf/inspire-rdf-vocabularies/blob/master/ad/ad.ttl"/>
4 <owl:imports rdf:resource="https://www.w3.org/ns/locn.ttl"/>
5 <skos:definition xml:lang="en">The application schema CadastralParcels contains the feature types CadastralParcel, CadastralBoundary and CadastralIndexSet.</skos:definition>
6 <owl:versionInfo>4.0</owl:versionInfo>
7 <owl:imports rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core"/>
8 <owl:imports rdf:resource="http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql"/>
9 <owl:imports rdf:resource="https://github.com/inspire-eu-rdf/inspire-rdf-vocabularies/blob/master/base/base.ttl"/>
10 <owl:versionIRI>http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp/4.0</owl:versionIRI>
11 <owl:imports rdf:resource="https://github.com/inspire-eu-rdf/inspire-rdf-vocabularies/blob/master/au/au.ttl"/>
12 </owl:Ontology>
9.2.1. Ontology name and namespace
Requirement REQ/OWL/ontology/name
The name of the ontology shall be constructed as follows: ontology-name = "http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/" + app-schema-code The app-schema-code is specified by the tagged value xmlns of the <<applicationSchema>> package. |
This scheme is similar but not equal to the URI scheme of INSPIRE GML Schemas. Re-using the namespace URIs of the INSPIRE GML Schemas for the INSPIRE RDF vocabularies has been considered. However, such an approach can lead to URI resolution conflicts (when trying to access an XML Schema and RDF vocabulary at the exact same URI) and has therefore been rejected.
The ontology name of the INSPIRE RDF vocabulary for the <<applicationSchema>> "CadastralParcels" is: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp
Requirement REQ/OWL/ontology/namespace
The namespace for the ontology components shall be: ontology-namespace = ontology-name + "#" |
Hash URIs - instead of 'slash' URIs (i.e. using '/') - are used in INSPIRE ontology namespaces for the following reasons:
The expressions and axioms that comprise an INSPIRE ontology are often used together. In some cases there can be complex dependencies between concepts. Hash URIs ensure that a client receives all relevant information about these dependencies when it accesses the ontology.
An ontology that is contained in a single document can easily be published.
If a client recognizes that a specific term is defined by a hash URI, then it can download the ontology from this URI, cache it, and re-use it whenever another term with the same base URI is accessed. In other words, hash URIs support caching, and can thus reduce the number of HTTP round-trips and reduce access latency. The sice of the ontology document should be reasonably small, since it only contains the ontology components derived from one particular INSPIRE application schema.
A slash URI can still be used for individuals, i.e. RDF resources that have an INSPIRE RDF/OWL class as type.
Relevant issue(s): |
9.2.2. Version information
Requirement REQ/OWL/ontology/version
An owl:versionInfo predicate shall be added to the ontology, with the content of the version tagged value of the <<applicationSchema>> package as value. The version shall also be used to assign a version IRI to the ontology, which is defined as follows: versionIRI = ontology-name + "/" + version |
Recommendation REC/OWL/ontology/series
If the ontology is part of an ontology series, i.e. a set of different versions of an ontology, then it is recommended that the predicates owl:priorVersion, owl:backwardCompatibleWith, owl:incompatibleWith are assigned to the ontology as appropriate. |
Checking that a new version of an ontology is or is not compatible with the prior version of the ontology typically requires manual inspection.
9.2.3. Imports
Requirement REQ/OWL/ontology/imports
If the ontology uses entities of an external ontology, it shall use an owl:imports predicate to import the external ontology. |
9.3. Types
An INSPIRE application schema contains a set of UML types, i.e. classes. This chapter contains rules for converting the different categories of UML types that occur in INSPIRE application schemas, namely: spatial object types, data types, unions, enumerations, and code lists. The rules for converting UML properties are documented in a separate chapter.
It is good practice to re-use already established classes when converting an INSPIRE application schema into an ontology. With respect to UML types, that means that a UML type can be implemented by an existing RDFS/OWL class, rather than creating a new OWL class to represent the type. In other words, the UML type is mapped to an existing RDFS/OWL class. This approach has also been applied in the GML encoding of INSPIRE application schemas. There, base types, for example from ISO schemas, are implemented by / mapped to XML elements that are defined in existing XML Schemas.
If a mapping exists for a UML type, the type is not converted. Instead, the RDFS/OWL class defined by the mapping is used as the representation of the UML type (for example as the range of an OWL property, which represents a UML property that has the UML type as value type).
The UML type CharacterString from ISO 19103 is mapped to xsd:string, and the UML type MD_Metadata from ISO 19115 is mapped to dcat:Dataset.
If a UML type is converted to an RDFS/OWL class, then that class can be aligned with RDFS/OWL classes from other vocabularies. Our focus in this case is on inheriting semantics. An INSPIRE OWL class can be made a subclass of any number of RDFS/OWL classes (via the predicate rdfs:subClassOf), even if the UML model does not provide such relationships (note that this is one of the fundamental differences between UML and RDF/OWL). This can be used to inherit characteristics that are defined by existing RDFS/OWL classes.
Spatial object types are aligned with GeoSPARQL features. This supports querying of INSPIRE spatial object types at SPARQL endpoints that support GeoSPARQL.
Mapping and alignment facilitate re-use of ontologies and are often used by the linked data community.
Because the information for mapping or aligning types can be complex, it is not included in the UML model. Mappings and alignments are defined in human-readable documentation and/or configuration files (if the ontology is derived automatically using software). |
9.3.1. Mappings
Recommendation REC/OWL/type/mapping
If an RDFS/OWL class from an existing vocabulary is known to appropriately represent the semantics of a UML type, then the type should be mapped to that class. |
The INSPIRE type GeographicalName can be mapped to rdfs:Literal. For further details, see here.
Whether or not a mapping is appropriate typically requires careful consideration.
The following subsections document known mappings. They can be extended in the future.
When working with linked data, you should be able to directly link to a spatial object, rather than introducing an indirection by linking to a resource which merely provides a simplified view on the spatial object.
The INSPIRE type 'AddressRepresentation' is mapped to the RDF/OWL representation of the INSPIRE type 'Address'. For further details, see here.
Relevant issue(s): |
ISO 19103
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/mappings/iso/19103
Types from ISO 19103 shall be mapped to the RDFS/OWL class or datatype listed in the following table. |
ISO 19103 Type | RDFS/OWL Class or Datatype |
Boolean |
xsd:boolean |
CharacterString |
xsd:string |
Date |
xsd:date |
DateTime |
xsd:dateTime |
Decimal |
xsd:decimal |
Integer |
xsd:integer |
Number |
xsd:double |
Real |
xsd:double |
Any |
rdfs:Class |
Angle |
base:Measure |
Area |
base:Measure |
Distance |
base:Measure |
Length |
base:Measure |
Measure |
base:Measure |
Probability |
base:Measure |
Velocity |
base:Measure |
Volume |
base:Measure |
For all other types from ISO 19103 used in INSPIRE schemas, suitable mappings need to be found on a case-by-case basis.
ISO 19107
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/mappings/iso/19107/geosparql
Types from ISO 19107 shall be mapped to the GeoSPARQL Geometry class or one of its subclasses. |
The Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services states (in combination with its amendmend from 2013) the following:
The value domain of spatial properties defined in this Regulation shall be restricted to the Simple Feature spatial schema as defined in Herring, John R. (ed.), OpenGIS® Implementation Standard for Geographic information – Simple feature access – Part 1: Common architecture, version 1.2.1, Open Geospatial Consortium, 2011, unless specified otherwise for a specific spatial data theme or type.
The INSPIRE themes "Cadastral Parcels" and "Buildings" make exceptions to the rule that the domain of spatial properties shall be restricted to Simple Feature geometries. The cadastral parcels theme allows geometries with circular arcs, while the buildings theme allows 3D geometries.
Requirement REC/OWL/type/mappings/iso/19107/mapping
If a type from ISO 19107 that is used in an INSPIRE application schema can be implemented as a Simple Feature geometry, then the type shall be mapped to one of the classes from the ontology available at http://www.opengis.net/ont/sf (Simple Feature ontology). Otherwise, the type shall be mapped to one of the classes from the ontology available at http://www.opengis.net/ont/gml (GML ontology). See the following table for a list of applicable mappings. |
Both ontologies define a hierarchy of subclasses of the GeoSPARQL Geometry class. |
ISO 19107 Types | Simple Feature Ontology Class | GML Ontology Class |
GM_Aggregate |
sfowl:GeometryCollection |
gmlowl:MultiGeometry |
GM_Curve |
sfowl:LineString |
gmlowl:Curve or gmlowl:LineString |
GM_MultiCurve |
sfowl:MultiLineString |
gmlowl:MultiCurve |
GM_MultiPoint |
sfowl:MultiPoint |
gmlowl:MultiPoint |
GM_MultiPrimitive |
sfowl:GeometryCollection |
gmlowl:MultiGeometry |
GM_MultiSurface |
sfowl:MultiPolygon |
gmlowl:MultiSurface |
GM_Object |
sfowl:Geometry |
gmlowl:AbstractGeometry |
GM_Point |
sfowl:Point |
gmlowl:Point |
GM_PolyhedralSurface |
sfowl:PolyhedralSurface |
gmlowl:PolyhedralSurface |
GM_Primitive |
sfowl:Geometry |
gmlowl:AbstractGeometricPrimitive |
GM_Ring |
sfowl:LinearRing |
gmlowl:Ring or gmlowl:LinearRing |
GM_Solid |
- |
gmlowl:Solid |
GM_Surface |
sfowl:Polygon |
gmlowl:Surface or gmlowl:Polygon |
GM_Tin |
sfowl:TIN |
gmlowl:Tin |
GM_Triangle |
sfowl:Triangle |
gmlowl:Triangle |
ISO 19108
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/mappings/iso/19108
Types from ISO 19108 shall be mapped to the RDFS/OWL class or datatype listed in the following table. |
ISO 19108 Type | RDFS/OWL Class or Datatype |
TM_Position |
time:TemporalPosition |
For all other types from ISO 19108 used in INSPIRE schemas, suitable mappings need to be found on a case-by-case basis.
ISO 19115
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/mappings/iso/19115
Types from ISO 19115 shall be mapped to the RDFS/OWL class or datatype listed in the following table. |
ISO 19115 Type | RDFS/OWL Class or Datatype |
MD_Metadata |
dcat:Dataset |
MD_Resolution |
rdf:langString |
xsd:anyURI |
For all other types from ISO 19115 used in INSPIRE schemas, suitable mappings need to be found on a case-by-case basis.
ISO 19139
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/mappings/iso/19139
Types from ISO 19139 shall be mapped to the RDFS/OWL class or datatype listed in the following table. |
ISO 19139 Type | RDFS/OWL Class or Datatype |
PT_FreeText |
rdf:langString |
For all other types from ISO 19115 used in INSPIRE schemas, suitable mappings need to be found on a case-by-case basis.
INSPIRE Annex I - Addresses
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/mappings/inspire/annex1/addresses/AddressRepresentation
Type 'AddressRepresentation' from the 'INSPIRE Annex I - Addresses' schema shall be mapped to the RDF/OWL implementation of Type 'Address' (from that same schema). |
This requirement means that the 'AddressRepresentation' is not used in RDF data. Instead, a link to a real 'Address' would be used whenever address information needs to be provided.
INSPIRE Annex I - Geographical Names
The INSPIRE type "GeographicalName" supports the provision of multiple spellings for a name, a link to an audio file for pronunciation, and more. Applications often simply just need the name in one spelling, potentially with indication of the language. In such cases, a simplification is possible.
If the indication of language is needed, rdf:langString can be used instead of rdfs:Literal, since rdf:langString is a subclass of rdfs:Literal.
The INSPIRE spatial object type "NamedPlace" combines a geometry with one or more names, and thus has a more complex base model (ignoring voidable properties) than "GeographicalName". A simple mapping for "NamedPlace" is currently not available.
Simple or complex encoding
It is required that properties with INSPIRE GeographicalName as value type are aligned with the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary property "geographicName".
The definition of locn:geographicName states: "For INSPIRE-conformant data, provide the metadata for the geographic name using a skos:Concept as a datatype." That can easily be achieved.
Encoding a geographical name as an individual resource can be useful if complex information is available for the name, instead of just a simple label. In that case, the SKOS properties prefLabel and altLabel can be used to provide labels for the name in multiple languages, while also distinguishing preferred from alternative labels. Another case where the encoding of a geographical name as an individual resource can be useful is comparison of geographical names: if two spatial objects have "name" predicates with the same URI, then both spatial objects have the same geographic name. Resource equality can be asserted through a simple comparison of resource identifiers (the URIs). A comparison of pure labels, potentially given in different languages or spellings, would be more complex.
However, as stated before, it is allowed to map an INSPIRE GeographicalName to a simple rdfs:Literal.
Relevant issue(s): |
9.3.2. Alignments
INSPIRE Annex I - Addresses
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/alignments/inspire/annex1/addresses
The RDF/OWL implementation of 'Address' from the 'INSPIRE Annex I - Addresses' schema shall be an rdfs:subClassOf the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary class "Address". |
9.3.3. Class name
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/name
The name of the RDFS/OWL class or datatype that represents a UML type shall be encoded as: class-name = ontology-namespace normalized-UML-type-name |
The normalization of a UML type name includes:
Ensuring that it is given in UpperCamelCase.
Replacing punctuation characters other than dash and underscore with underscore characters.
Removing any space characters.
9.3.4. Abstractness
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/abstract
An abstract type shall be annotated with the property iso19150-2:isAbstract, using the boolean value true. |
9.3.5. Inheritance
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/inheritance
If the UML type A is a subtype of another UML type B, then an rdfs:subClassOf predicate shall be added to the OWL class representing A, with the IRI of the RDF representation of B as value. |
In case of multiple inheritance, i.e. a UML type is subtype of more than one UML type, this would result in multiple rdfs:subClassOf predicates.
9.3.6. Spatial object type
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/spatialobject
A spatial object type shall be converted to an OWL class. |
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/spatialobject/geosparqlfeature
A spatial object type shall be an rdfs:subClassOf the GeoSPARQL class "Feature". |
This alignment will support querying of INSPIRE spatial object types encoded in RDF at SPARQL endpoints that support GeoSPARQL.
A GeoSPARQL feature is not required to have a geometry property. Thus, INSPIRE spatial object types for which the conceptual model does not define a geometry property, or which only have implicit geometry (for example provided by one or more linked spatial object types), are valid GeoSPARQL features.
RDF/Turtle serialization
1 cp:CadastralParcel a owl:Class ;
2 rdfs:subClassOf gsp:Feature .
RDF/XML serialization
1 <owl:Class rdf:about="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp#CadastralParcel">
2 <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Feature"/>
3 </owl:Class>
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/spatialobject/documentation
The inspireConcept tagged value of a spatial object type provides a URI reference to the feature concept in the INSPIRE Feature Concept Dictionary Register. An rdfs:isDefinedBy predicate with this URI shall be added to the OWL class that represents the spatial object type. |
9.3.7. Data type
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/datatype
A data type shall be converted to an OWL class. |
This requirement does not necessarily apply to all data types. For further details, see this permission. |
9.3.8. Union
A <<union>> represents a choice between multiple properties. The properties can carry a specific meaning. They can have different value types. They can have a multiplicity other than exactly 1.
The <<union>> can be represented in OWL using a logical combination of unqualified cardinality restrictions. The according class expression ensures that values are only given for one of the union properties.
However, if the <<union>> was represented as an OWL class, then encoding of actual data would require the creation of individuals that just represent the "choice". A more natural approach would be to encode the "choice" where it is actually of interest, i.e. where the <<union>> is used as value type.
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/union
A <<union>> shall not be converted to an OWL class. Instead, it shall be transformed as follows:
EXAMPLE: The following figure depicts the INSPIRE <<union>> Age, and the <<dataType>> BiomarkerThematicMetadata where the value type of property meanAge is Age.

The conversion results in (only showing BiomarkerThematicMetadata and the class expression that captures the <<union>> semantics):
RDF/Turtle serialization
1 :BiomarkerThematicMetadata a owl:Class ;
3 rdfs:subClassOf [
4 a owl:Class ;
5 owl:unionOf (
6 [ owl:intersectionOf (
7 [ a owl:Restriction ;
8 owl:onProperty :meanAgeByMonth ;
9 owl:minCardinality "0"^^xsd:integer]
10 [ a owl:Restriction ;
11 owl:onProperty :meanAgeByWeek ;
12 owl:cardinality "0"^^xsd:integer]
13 [ a owl:Restriction ;
14 owl:onProperty :meanAgeByYear ;
15 owl:cardinality "0"^^xsd:integer]) ;
16 a owl:Class]
17 [ owl:intersectionOf (
18 [ a owl:Restriction ;
19 owl:onProperty :meanAgeByMonth ;
20 owl:cardinality "0"^^xsd:integer]
21 [ a owl:Restriction ;
22 owl:onProperty :meanAgeByWeek ;
23 owl:minCardinality "0"^^xsd:integer]
24 [ a owl:Restriction ;
25 owl:onProperty :meanAgeByYear ;
26 owl:cardinality "0"^^xsd:integer]) ;
27 a owl:Class]
28 [ owl:intersectionOf (
29 [ a owl:Restriction ;
30 owl:onProperty :meanAgeByMonth ;
31 owl:cardinality "0"^^xsd:integer]
32 [ a owl:Restriction ;
33 owl:onProperty :meanAgeByWeek ;
34 owl:cardinality "0"^^xsd:integer]
35 [ a owl:Restriction ;
36 owl:onProperty :meanAgeByYear ;
37 owl:minCardinality "0"^^xsd:integer]) ;
38 a owl:Class])] .
RDF/XML serialization
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
3 xmlns:owl="http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#" xmlns:rdfs="http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#">
4 <owl:Class rdf:about="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#BiomarkerThematicMetadata">
5 <rdfs:subClassOf>
6 <owl:Class>
7 <owl:unionOf>
8 <rdf:Description>
9 <rdf:first>
10 <owl:Class>
11 <owl:intersectionOf>
12 <rdf:Description>
13 <rdf:first>
14 <owl:Restriction>
15 <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#meanAgeByMonth"/>
16 <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
17 >0</owl:minCardinality>
18 </owl:Restriction>
19 </rdf:first>
20 <rdf:rest>
21 <rdf:Description>
22 <rdf:first>
23 <owl:Restriction>
24 <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#meanAgeByWeek"/>
25 <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
26 >0</owl:cardinality>
27 </owl:Restriction>
28 </rdf:first>
29 <rdf:rest>
30 <rdf:Description>
31 <rdf:first>
32 <owl:Restriction>
33 <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#meanAgeByYear"/>
34 <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
35 >0</owl:cardinality>
36 </owl:Restriction>
37 </rdf:first>
38 <rdf:rest rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil"/>
39 </rdf:Description>
40 </rdf:rest>
41 </rdf:Description>
42 </rdf:rest>
43 </rdf:Description>
44 </owl:intersectionOf>
45 </owl:Class>
46 </rdf:first>
47 <rdf:rest>
48 <rdf:Description>
49 <rdf:first>
50 <owl:Class>
51 <owl:intersectionOf>
52 <rdf:Description>
53 <rdf:first>
54 <owl:Restriction>
55 <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#meanAgeByMonth"/>
56 <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
57 >0</owl:cardinality>
58 </owl:Restriction>
59 </rdf:first>
60 <rdf:rest>
61 <rdf:Description>
62 <rdf:first>
63 <owl:Restriction>
64 <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#meanAgeByWeek"/>
65 <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
66 >0</owl:minCardinality>
67 </owl:Restriction>
68 </rdf:first>
69 <rdf:rest>
70 <rdf:Description>
71 <rdf:first>
72 <owl:Restriction>
73 <owl:onProperty
74 rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#meanAgeByYear"/>
75 <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
76 >0</owl:cardinality>
77 </owl:Restriction>
78 </rdf:first>
79 <rdf:rest rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil"/>
80 </rdf:Description>
81 </rdf:rest>
82 </rdf:Description>
83 </rdf:rest>
84 </rdf:Description>
85 </owl:intersectionOf>
86 </owl:Class>
87 </rdf:first>
88 <rdf:rest>
89 <rdf:Description>
90 <rdf:first>
91 <owl:Class>
92 <owl:intersectionOf>
93 <rdf:Description>
94 <rdf:first>
95 <owl:Restriction>
96 <owl:onProperty
97 rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#meanAgeByMonth"/>
98 <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
99 >0</owl:cardinality>
100 </owl:Restriction>
101 </rdf:first>
102 <rdf:rest>
103 <rdf:Description>
104 <rdf:first>
105 <owl:Restriction>
106 <owl:onProperty
107 rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#meanAgeByWeek"/>
108 <owl:cardinality rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
109 >0</owl:cardinality>
110 </owl:Restriction>
111 </rdf:first>
112 <rdf:rest>
113 <rdf:Description>
114 <rdf:first>
115 <owl:Restriction>
116 <owl:onProperty
117 rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/hh#meanAgeByYear"/>
118 <owl:minCardinality rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer"
119 >0</owl:minCardinality>
120 </owl:Restriction>
121 </rdf:first>
122 <rdf:rest rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil"/>
123 </rdf:Description>
124 </rdf:rest>
125 </rdf:Description>
126 </rdf:rest>
127 </rdf:Description>
128 </owl:intersectionOf>
129 </owl:Class>
130 </rdf:first>
131 <rdf:rest rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#nil"/>
132 </rdf:Description>
133 </rdf:rest>
134 </rdf:Description>
135 </rdf:rest>
136 </rdf:Description>
137 </owl:unionOf>
138 </owl:Class>
139 </rdfs:subClassOf>
140 </owl:Class>
141 </rdf:RDF>
In this example creating the name of the new properties using concatenation was straightforward. However, the names of <<union>> options can also follow a different pattern:

Here, the names of the <<union>> options already include the name of the property that has the <<union>> as value type. Concatenating the name of the property that is being replaced and the name of an option would lead to duplication.
Clearly, a single approach to creating the names of new properties would not suffice if the names of <<union>> types and their options follow different patterns. When automatically converting <<union>> types, a manual review should therefore be performed.
9.3.9. Enumeration
Requirement REC/OWL/type/enumeration
If the meaning of the codes of an enumeration is obvious, or if the codes are self-describing, then the enumeration should be represented by an OWL DataOneOf, i.e. an RDFS datatype that specifies the restricted list of literals using an owl:oneOf declaration. Otherwise, the enumeration shall be encoded like a code list (see next chapter). |
1 base:Sign
2 a rdfs:Datatype ;
3 owl:oneOf ( "+" "-" ) ;
The INSPIRE Registry contains SKOS representations of enumerations defined in INSPIRE application schemas. One example is the enumeration TechnicalStatusValue. An HTML page is available, with links to other representations of the enumeration, for example RDF.
9.3.10. Code list
Requirement REQ/OWL/type/codelist
INSPIRE code lists - and extensions - shall be represented as SKOS concept schemes, their codes as SKOS concepts. They shall be published and managed in the INSPIRE registry. |
The INSPIRE Registry contains SKOS representations of code lists used in INSPIRE application schemas. One example is the code list Natura2000DesignationValue. An HTML page is available, with links to other representations of the code list, for example RDF.
9.4. Properties
This chapter documents the rules for converting the properties (attributes and association roles) of types, i.e. classes, defined in INSPIRE application schemas.
It is good practice to re-use already established properties when converting an INSPIRE application schema into an ontology. With respect to UML properties, that means that a UML property can be implemented by an existing RDF/OWL property, rather than creating a new OWL property to represent the UML property. In other words, the UML property is mapped to an existing RDF/OWL implementation.
If a mapping exists for a UML property, the property is not converted. Instead, the RDF/OWL property defined by the mapping is used as the representation of the UML property.
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/general
If a UML property (attribute or navigable association role) is not mapped to an existing RDF/OWL property, then it shall be converted to:
If multiple UML properties from INSPIRE application schemas have the same semantics, then these properties should be implemented as a single RDF/OWL property that does not have a domain restriction. The UML properties can then be mapped to / implemented by that property. For further details, see chapter Domain.
When converting a UML property to an OWL property, that OWL property can also be aligned to an existing RDF/OWL property (see chapter Alignment). The conversion of specific properties can also be omitted (see chapter Omission).
Mapping and alignment facilitate re-use of ontologies and are often used by the linked data community.
Because the information for mapping, aligning, and omitting properties can be complex, it is not included in the UML model. This information can be provided via human-readable documentation and via (machine readable) configuration files. |
Relevant issue(s): |
9.4.1. Mappings
Recommendation REC/OWL/property/mapping
If an RDF/OWL property from an existing vocabulary is known to appropriately represent the semantics of a UML property, then the property should be mapped to that RDF/OWL property. |
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/mapping/consistencyWithTypeMapping
If a mapping is defined for a UML property to an existing RDF/OWL property, and a mapping is defined for the value type of the UML property, then the range of the RDF/OWL property (if defined), shall be the RDFS/OWL class or data type to which the value type of the UML property is mapped - or one of their subclasses. |
This ensures consistency of property mappings.
Let us assume that a property "name" has "GeographicalName" as value type. If "GeographicalName" is mapped to rdfs:Literal, then a consistent mapping for property "name" is rdfs:label, since its range is rdfs:Literal.
Whether or not a mapping is appropriate typically requires careful consideration.
Recommendation REC/OWL/property/mapping/common
Common INSPIRE properties, i.e. properties with same semantics defined by multiple INSPIRE types, should be mapped as defined in the following table. |
Property | RDF/OWL Property |
beginLifespanVersion |
base:beginLifespanVersion |
endLifespanVersion |
base:endLifespanVersion |
This table can be extended in the future, if additional common properties have been identified.
An example of an INSPIRE vocabulary, that defines commonly used concepts, is available online.
9.4.2. Alignment
If a UML property is converted to an RDF/OWL property, then that property can be aligned with RDF/OWL properties from other vocabularies. Our focus in this case is on inheriting semantics. In RDF, a property can be made a sub-property of any number of RDF/OWL properties (via the predicate rdfs:subPropertyOf). This can be used to inherit characteristics that are defined by existing RDF/OWL properties.
The following requirements support alignment of INSPIRE RDF vocabularies with common linked data vocabularies, while keeping the semantics of properties from INSPIRE application schemas.
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/alignment/locn/geometry
A UML property owned by a UML type T that:
shall be an rdfs:subPropertyOf the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary property "geometry". |
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/alignment/geosparql/hasDefaultGeometry
A UML property owned by a spatial object type T that:
shall be an rdfs:subPropertyOf the GeoSPARQL property "hasDefaultGeometry". |
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/alignment/geosparql/hasGeometry
If a UML property owned by a UML type T is not already encoded as an rdfs:subPropertyOf GeoSPARQL "hasDefaultGeometry", and:
then the property shall be an rdfs:subPropertyOf the GeoSPARQL property "hasGeometry". |
The property "hasDefaultGeometry" is defined by GeoSPARQL as an rdfs:subPropertyOf "hasGeometry". Therefore, if a property is an rdfs:subPropertyOf GeoSPARQL "hasDefaultGeometry", this entails that the property is also an rdfs:subPropertyOf GeoSPARQL "hasGeometry".
RDF/Turtle serialization
1 cp:CadastralParcel.geometry
2 a owl:ObjectProperty ;
3 rdfs:subPropertyOf locn:geometry , gsp:hasDefaultGeometry .
RDF/XML serialization
1 <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp#CadastralParcel.geometry">
2 <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="https://www.w3.org/ns/locn#geometry"/>
3 <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#hasDefaultGeometry"/>
4 </owl:ObjectProperty>
Geographical name
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/alignment/locn/geographicName
A property that:
shall be an rdfs:subPropertyOf the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary property "geographicName". |
RDF/Turtle serialization
1 cp:CadastralZoning.name
2 a owl:ObjectProperty ;
3 rdfs:domain cp:CadastralZoning ;
4 rdfs:range gn:GeographicalName ;
5 rdfs:subPropertyOf locn:geographicName ;
RDF/XML serialization
1 <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp#CadastralZoning.name">
2 <rdfs:range rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/ad#GeographicalName"/>
3 <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp#CadastralZoning"/>
4 <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="https://www.w3.org/ns/locn#geographicName"/>
5 </owl:ObjectProperty>
9.4.3. Omission
When converting an INSPIRE application schema to an ontology, the conversion of specific properties (of UML types defined in that schema) can be omitted.
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/omission/inspireId
Properties with name "inspireId" shall not be encoded in the ontology. |
When encoding a spatial object in RDF, the "inspireId" will form the URI that identifies the RDF resource that represents the spatial object.
9.4.4. Property name
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/name
The name of the OWL property shall be encoded as: property-name = ontology-namespace [normalized-UML-type-name "."] normalized-UML-property-localName property-localName = UML-attribute-name | UML-role-name |
The normalization of the UML property local name includes:
Ensuring that it is given in lowerCamelCase.
Replacing punctuation characters other than dash and underscore with underscore characters.
Removing any space characters.
The UML type name is included if the property is not converted to a global property (see next section).
9.4.5. Domain - local vs. global
In UML, an attribute belongs to the class that defines it. Likewise, an association role is a property that belongs to a specific class. In RDF, a property can be described in terms of the class to which it applies (as its domain), but it can also be described independently of any class (by not declaring a domain axiom for the property).
Apparently there is a mismatch between UML and RDF: in UML, a property belongs to its class, while in RDF, a property can be used by multiple classes. In other words: in UML, a property is always scoped to a specific class, while in RDF the scope of properties can be global.
One solution for converting UML properties would be to convert each UML property to a uniquely corresponding OWL property, scoping it to a specific class by:
adding the class name that the property belongs to in UML to the OWL property name (so that the OWL property declaration is unique in the ontology), and
declaring the OWL representation of its owning UML class as the domain of the OWL property.
However, if multiple properties with the same name and the same semantics exist in an application schema, this approach will lead to repetition that would clearly be undesirable and not in the spirit of RDF.
Recommendation REC/OWL/property/globalScope
Properties that "mean the same thing" should not be implemented as locally scoped properties. They should be implemented by a property with global scope. |
RDF/Turtle serialization
1 cp:referencePoint a owl:ObjectProperty ;
2 rdfs:comment "EXAMPLE The centroid of the cadastral object geometry."@en ;
3 rdfs:range gsp:Geometry ;
4 rdfs:subPropertyOf locn:geometry , gsp:hasGeometry ;
5 skos:definition "A point within the cadastral object."@en .
RDF/XML serialization
1 <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp#referencePoint">
2 <rdfs:range rdf:resource="http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#Geometry"/>
3 <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="https://www.w3.org/ns/locn#geometry"/>
4 <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#hasGeometry"/>
5 <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">EXAMPLE The centroid of the cadastral object geometry.</rdfs:comment>
6 <skos:definition xml:lang="en">A point within the cadastral object.</skos:definition>
7 </owl:ObjectProperty>
Identifying suitable properties typically requires manual review and can only be achieved on a case-by-case basis.
Examples of properties that are candidates for being globally scoped: thematicId, beginLifespanVersion, endLifespanVersion, name.
9.4.6. Range
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/range
If a UML property from the application schema is encoded as an OWL property in the application schema ontology (NOTE: the alternative would be to map it to another RDF/OWL property) then:
9.4.7. Multiplicity
The multiplicity of a UML property specifies how many values the property can have. In an ontology, under the open world assumption, an instance of a class can have zero or any number of values for a given property.
The validation of multiplicity from the UML model is not a use case for INSPIRE data represented in RDF. Therefore, multiplicity is not converted.
OWL cardinality restrictions are only used to define the semantics of a <<union>>. For further details, see the section about conversion of union types.
Relevant issue(s): |
9.4.8. Voidable
The stereotype <<voidable>> is not converted.
The voidable concept used in INSPIRE is in some ways interesting as it allows explicitly stating that something, for example the name of a road, is not known (no value, but reason 'unknown' is provided) and distinguishes this from stating that a road is known to have no name (no value and no specific reason). I.e., the INSPIRE application schemas, although generally based on the closed-world assumption, support unknown facts. In RDF not stating a property is equivalent to setting the property to nil in the GML encoding. RDF has no proper mechanism to explicitly state that the name of a road is unknown (to some person(s) or organizations). RDF adheres to the open world assumption which takes into account that, in this example, someone else could have a name for the road. Thus, without a natural way to express such facts in an INSPIRE RDF representation, the RDF representation will state that no road name is known. While this is a loss of information, it is not essential for most applications. An INSPIRE ontology provides the means to share all the (positive) information a data provider has. If a certain piece of information is not available at a data provider, chances are that they simply do not know them. The case where the absence of data is explicitly known should be quite rare. Therefore, a specific conversion of the voidable concept is not necessary. |
Relevant issue(s): |
9.4.9. Vocabulary reference
The UML profile of the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model describes the tagged value 'vocabulary' for code list types as: URI of the vocabulary/code list in the INSPIRE code list registry or in some external registry. The value has to be provided, if an online version of the vocabulary exists.
INSPIRE code lists are represented as SKOS concept schemes, and their codes as SKOS concepts (see here). Consequently, the range of a property with a code list as value type can only be specified using the generic class skos:Concept. By just looking at the ontology definition of the property, any skos:Concept is allowed as value.
Requirement REQ/OWL/property/vocabularyReference
If the value type of a UML property, that is encoded as an OWL property, has the tag "vocabulary" with an actual URI as value, then an rdfs:seeAlso statement shall be added, with the OWL property as subject and the URI from the "vocabulary" tag as object. |
With this informal reference, the ontology definition of the INSPIRE property at least provides a hint for implementers on which SKOS concept scheme and according SKOS concepts should be used.
RDF/Turtle serialization
1 cp:CadastralZoning.level
2 a owl:ObjectProperty ;
3 rdfs:domain cp:CadastralZoning ;
4 rdfs:range skos:Concept ;
5 rdfs:seeAlso <http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/codelist/CadastralZoningLevelValue> ;
6 skos:definition "Level of the cadastral zoning in the national cadastral hierarchy."@en .
RDF/XML serialization
1 <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp#CadastralZoning.level">
2 <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/codelist/CadastralZoningLevelValue"/>
3 <rdfs:range rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept"/>
4 <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp#CadastralZoning"/>
5 <skos:definition xml:lang="en">Level of the cadastral zoning in the national cadastral hierarchy.</skos:definition>
6 </owl:ObjectProperty>
9.4.10. Attribute
No specific rules are defined for the conversion of UML attributes.
9.4.11. Association role
No specific rules are defined for the conversion of UML association roles.
9.5. Association class
In UML, an association class has both association and class properties (see UML Superstructure 2.1.2, section 7.3.4). It connects a set of classifiers and also defines a set of properties that belong to the relationship itself and not to any of the classifiers.
The OGC GML 3.3 standard defines a rule for converting an association class from a conceptual schema in UML to GML (see GML 3.3, section 12.3). The rule is based upon a mapping into a semantically equivalent intermediate type.
Requirement REQ/OWL/associationClass/general
An association class from an INSPIRE application schema shall be converted into a semantically equivalent type, following the rule defined by GML 3.3. The equivalent type shall then be converted to RDF as defined in this document. |
9.6. Constraint
UML classes and properties can have constraints that express additional requirements. For example, a constraint can restrict the value range of an integer-valued property to the interval [0:20], or restrict the type of a property inherited from a supertype. Constraints add precision to models.
The INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model defines the following:
To model constraints on the spatial object types and their properties, in particular to express data/data set consistency rules, OCL shall be used as described in ISO/TS 19103, whenever possible. In addition, all constraints shall be described in the application schema in English, too.
Requirement REQ/OWL/constraint/general
When converting an INSPIRE application schema to an ontology, only the description of an OCL constraint shall be converted. The description shall be added to the OWL class that represents the UML type for which the constraint is defined, using an iso19150-2:constraint annotation. |
RDF/Turtle serialization
1 cp:CadastralParcel a owl:Class ;
2 iso19150-2:constraint "areaValueUoM: Value of areaValue shall be given in square meters." .
RDF/XML serialization
1 <owl:Class rdf:about="http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/ont/cp#CadastralParcel">
2 <iso19150-2:constraint>areaValueUoM: Value of areaValue shall be given in square
3 meters.</iso19150-2:constraint>
4 </owl:Class>
10. Instance conversion rules
Relevant issue(s): |
10.1. From input to output data structure
An object from the input structure is converted to an RDF resource. Object properties are represented by RDF resource properties. A dataset is represented by an RDF graph.
10.2. Resource identifiers
Recommendation REC/OWL/instance/identifier/spatialobject
The identifier of an RDF resource that represents a spatial object should be constructed from its 'inspireId'. However, the identifier should not contain the 'versionId' from the 'inspireId'. |
Versioning is a known open issue (see the Generic Conceptual Model, section 9.7.2), and therefore not addressed by this specification.
Recommendation REC/OWL/instance/identifier/httpuri
If an RDF resource has a unique identifier, the identifier should be a globally unique persistent HTTP URI. |
This recommendation follows Best Practice #7 in the Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices, but also takes into account additional considerations on spatial objects.
When designing an HTTP URI, take into account the recommendations from Annex H of the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model as well as the ISA studies on persistent URIs and RDF & PIDs.
A structured value / data type does not have identity (see the UML Profile defined in clause 9.6.3 of the INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model), and therefore has only local scope.
In some concrete RDF syntaxes (for example RDF XML, Turtle, and N-Triples), such a structured value can be encoded as an RDF blank node, i.e. an RDF resource without identifier. As explained in the RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax, "The blank node identifiers introduced by some concrete syntaxes have only local scope and are purely an artifact of the serialization."
When representing a structured value as an RDF resource, a data provider therefore has a choice between creating an identifier for the structured value, and representing it as a blank node.
10.3. Considerations on spatial objects
According to the definition of the [inspire_directive], a spatial object is an abstract representation of a real-world phenomenon related to a specific location or geographical area.
Most attributes and roles of a spatial object represent properties of the real-world phenomenon. It is common practice to model both properties that describe the real-world phenomenon and properties that describe the spatial object document, i.e. which are spatial object metadata, as spatial object properties.
In INSPIRE, most properties are properties that describe the real-world phenomenon. However, there are exceptions:
Properties that represent life-cycle information (in particular, the beginLifespanVersion and endLifespanVersion attributes) are marked with the stereotype <<lifeCycleInfo>>.
Properties that have a value type from ISO 19115 are often feature metadata. However, this is not always the case, in particular for CI types. An example is ProtectedSite.legalFoundationDocument with value type CI_Citation.
There are also some properties that require a closer review to identify them as metadata. Examples are CadastralZoning.estimatedAccuracy with value type Length or CadastralZoning.originalMapScaleDenominator with value type Integer. These properties are not properties of the real-world phenomenon, but of the spatial object.
It is important in linked data and the semantic web to be clear about the subject of a property. It might therefore be tempting to use two subjects for the properties of a spatial object: one subject for all properties providing information about the real-world phenomenon and one subject for all properties that are about the spatial object itself (like life-cycle information) or that provide metadata. Such a separation of spatial object data is NOT recommended, because there is no actual benefit in doing so.
From the perspective of RDF vocabularies there is no distinction between the two types of properties. In RDF, a property is a relationship between a subject resource and an object resource. "Anything can be a resource, including physical things, documents, abstract concepts, […]" [w3c_rdf11_concepts] The semantic of a spatial object property has to provide information whether the property represents metadata or actual data that describes the real-world phenomenon. This condition must be fulfilled, otherwise the model would be ambiguous. If the condition is fulfilled, then assigning spatial object properties to two different subjects, just to identify data about the real-world phenomenon and metadata, is not necessary.
Another argument that has been made for separating data about the real-world phenomenon from metadata is that such a separation would facilitate gaining additional knowledge, i.e. finding more information, about the same real-world phenomenon. This would be achieved through the ability to assert equality between two resources which, in this case, represent the same real-world phenomenon.
Before we discuss the topic of equality in more detail, we need to consider that multiple communities can define RDF/OWL classes to abstract the same real-world phenomenon, but in their particular "worlds" (their "universe of discourse"). Typically, these abstractions differ. The sets of properties used to describe the phenomenon can be different. If the same properties are used, then their values can still be different. For example, the geometry of a building can be represented as a solid, a polygon, or a point. The height of the building can be given in different formats ("10m", "100ft", "100", "small", "Code_T"). As we can see, the information provided for a real-world phenomenon depends on how a community abstracts this phenomenon.
Coming back to the topic of equality: With pure RDF semantics, properties with the same subject belong to the same resource. If two communities used the same identifier for their abstractions of real-world phenomena, then these abstractions would be the same resource. Consequently, the information captured by both communities about the phenomenon would be available for that resource.
On first glance, this sounds useful. However, this approach can cause problems for users that want to gain new knowledge about a resource. Whenever two representations of the same resource share the same properties (e.g. "geometry" or "creationDate"), but with different values (e.g. a polygon vs a point, "1954-04-28" vs "1954-05-02"), then the user must decide what to do with this information. Should information be ignored (e.g. use the polygon instead of the point), or does it need to be processed to derive new information (e.g. computing the mean of two creation dates)? This problem will get bigger if more resources are "equal".
This problem is a general one. It can occur whenever two resources are equal. Equality can also be asserted, usually using the property owl:sameAs. Communities often do not use shared identifiers for their resources. In these situations, owl:sameAs predicates can be used to assert equality between two resources. That different identifiers are used for resources that represent the same real-world phenomenon is common, and is independent of a separation between resources with properties that only provide information about the real-world phenomenon and resources with properties that provide metadata.
As we can see, gaining new knowledge from linked data is a hard problem. It is not solved by simply establishing equality (by using the same resource identifier, or by using owl:sameAs). In fact, abstractions of real-world phenomena created by different communities can rarely considered to be equal / the same. The abstractions will very likely be different, to a greater or lesser extent.
Best practice No 1 of the The Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices also recommends caution when using owl:sameAs: "Care must always be taken when using owl:sameAs to determine that [the] two URIs actually refer to the same resource, rather than two resources that are similar. Warning: don’t say it if you’re not sure it’s true!" |
How can INSPIRE RDF data support referencing the real-world phenomena that are abstracted, without requiring resource equality? The link between an INSPIRE resource and one or more real-world phenomena can be established with a property that does not imply resource equality. Unfortunately, the semantic web standards do not define a property with these semantics.
We can conclude that:
A separation of an INSPIRE spatial object into two resources, one with the properties that exclusively describe the real-world phenomenon that is being abstracted by the spatial object and one with the other properties, creates no actual benefit.
Full equality between two resources often does not exist. Care should be taken when assigning equality.
10.4. Encoding geometry
Requirement REQ/OWL/instance/geometry
An instance of an ISO 19107 geometry shall be serialized as a GeoSPARQL geometry as follows:
Properties from INSPIRE application schemas that have a value type from ISO 19107 are aligned with GeoSPARQL and the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary (LOCN) - see the property alignment requirements in the schema conversion rules chapter. Both specifications (GeoSPARQL and LOCN) support WKT and GML for serializing a geometry.
The requirement establishes WKT and GML as the main formats for encoding geometry information in INSPIRE RDF data. At the same time, however, the requirement does not preclude addition of predicates from GeoSPARQL (gsp:hasGeometry) and LOCN (locn:geometry) with other geometry serializations. In summary, the requirement establishes a suitable level of interoperability while offering enough flexibility to encode geometry in other formats.
10.5. Encoding metadata
According to the GeoDCAT-AP specification, "GeoDCAT-AP provides an RDF syntax binding for the union of metadata elements of the core profile of ISO 19115:2003 and those defined in the framework of the INSPIRE Directive". It is therefore well-suited to implement MD_Metadata in the context of INSPIRE.
Requirement REQ/OWL/instance/metadata/geodcatap
An instance of MD_Metadata, implemented as dcat:Dataset, shall be compliant to GeoDCAT-AP. |
Requirement REQ/OWL/instance/metadata/CI_Date
An instance of CI_Date shall be represented by one of the DCMI Metadata Terms properties created, modified, and issued:
Relevant issue(s): |
10.6. Value collections
Requirement REQ/OWL/instance/valuecollections
Multiple values for a single property shall be encoded as multiple property assertions, rather than using an RDF collection (rdf:List) or RDF containers (rdf:Bag, rdf:Seq, rdf:Alt). |
These RDF constructs do not add particular value, since the INSPIRE application schemas do not make use of ordering and uniqueness indicators for properties with multiplicity greater than one.
10.7. Extensions
A publisher may have more information about a spatial object than what is covered by the INSPIRE schemas. When encoding the spatial object as an RDF resource, the information that is covered by the INSPIRE schemas should be encoded as defined by this document. The additional information can be added to that resource in any way the publisher likes.
This extensibility is one of the benefits of RDF: a resource can be of any type, also multiple types - with according information expressed via RDF statements where the resource is the subject.
Annex A - Vocabulary examples (informative)
Vocabularies created based upon the guidelines from this document are available at https://github.com/inspire-eu-rdf/inspire-rdf-vocabularies.
This clause lists documents that were used in the drafting of this document, but which are not normative.
Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)
ISA Action 1.1 on Semantic Interoperability - D7.1.3 Study on persistent URIs, with identification of best practices and recommendations on the topic for the MSs and the EC